Learn how to join the SCHOOL Project.

Subject Matter Experts

We are looking for researchers to join as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on our SCHOOL project advisory committee for one module. Your expertise is vital in developing learning modules applying Open Science principles to the module topics. Researchers will engage in workshops and short sprints in a hybrid, open-meeting format.

The SCHOOL Project aims to empower students to apply Open Science principles to thematic areas, including Water, Health and Air Quality, Environmental Justice, Disasters, Wildfires, Agriculture, and Climate. We’re particularly interested in team members passionate about inclusive pedagogy. To join as a Subject Matter Expert or learn more, please fill out the SME Google Form or contact us at

Open Science Team

We are looking for participants to join the Open Science Team to give input on the development of learning modules. Participants will engage in workshops and short sprints in a hybrid, open-meeting format. Our workshop focuses on FAIR and CARE principles in learning, making us particularly interested in team members with a passion for inclusive pedagogy. Following the launch workshop, participants will be asked for feedback during two 1-hour remote participation meetings. To join the Open Science Team or learn more, please fill out the Participant Google Form or contact us at


Summer 2024:

Curso Corto AmeriGEO

La sesión comenzará con una guía de inundaciones repentinas de la OMM. Esta sesión de formación interactiva profundiza en conceptos de evaluación de vulnerabilidad espacial. Esta sesión aprovechará el entorno del portátil JupyterHub para proporcionar una demostración interactiva utilizando métodos y herramientas estadísticas para evaluar riesgos y vulnerabilidades asociados con desastres naturales y factores socioeconómicos. Los participantes obtendrán experiencia práctica en la selección y análisis de una variedad de vulnerabilidades y aprenderán a aplicar estos conocimientos a escenarios del mundo real. Acceda a los materiales del evento aquí.

The session will begin with a WMO Flash Flood Guide. This interactive training session delves deeper into spatial vulnerability assessment concepts. This session will leverage the JupyterHub notebook environment to provide an interactive demonstration using statistical methods and tools to assess risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural disasters and socioeconomic factors. Participants will gain hands-on experience in selecting and analyzing a variety of vulnerabilities and learn how to apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios. Access the materials from the event here.

ESIP 2024 Interactive Session

Interactive session at the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) July 2024 meeting, discussing SCHOOL Module 3: Disaster and Wildfires. Access the presentation materials on Zenodo here. Watch the video from this session on youtube here. ESIP

Spring 2024:

AAG 2024 Panel Session

Panel session at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting, discussing the development of SCHOOL Module 2: Health, Air Quality, and Environmental Justice. AAG

SEDAC Open Science Workshop.

Tuesday, January 9 2024. 10 am - 4 pm Eastern Time. Comer Building Seminar Room, Lamont Campus, Columbia University, 61 Route 9W, Palisades NY 10964 workshop on Open Science hosted by the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). This event is designed to provide valuable insights, practical knowledge, and collaborative opportunities for researchers who are passionate about open science and the world of data processing for research and applications at the interface of human and environmental systems.

Fall 2023

AGU 2023

Mentors give workshops at AGU. December 11 - 15, NASA Openscapes Mentors will attend the AGU annual meeting and deliver workshops. High-level planning happens in the 2023-planning-agu GitHub repo.

SCHOOL Water Module, Open Science Team Meeting 1

The first meeting for the SCHOOL Open Science Team Members was held where Open Science concepts and the Transform to Open Science (TOPS) initiative was introduced.

Workshop Documents

YouTube Video (subtitulos en Español)

Water Resources SCHOOL Workshop - I-GUIDE Forum 2023

October 4-5, TOPSTSCHOOL Development Team hosted a workshop at the I-GUIDE Fourm 2023. ScienceCore Heuristics for Open Science Outcomes in Learning (SCHOOL): Water Resources Module Development.

Workshop Documents

YouTube Video (subtitulos en Español)