Particulate Matter Across Socioeconomic Strata of Countries


Juan F. Martinez


In this lesson, you will use NASA socioeconomic and environmental Earthdata available at NASA SEDAC to compare relationships between levels of socioeconomic deprivation agaisnts air quality data of particulate matter (PM) in different international administrative areas.

This lesson walks through the process of calculating and visualizing zonal statistics for a set of countries using raster data, focusing on GRDI country quintiles and PM2.5 concentration levels within these quintile areas. It begins by subsetting data by country and iterating over each country to extract relevant zonal statistics like mean, median, and various percentiles for each quintile. These statistics are stored in a GeoDataFrame, which is later used to create a choropleth map that visualizes specific GRDI metrics across countries. The lesson includes a detailed analysis of PM2.5 concentrations within different GRDI quartiles for selected countries. This involves clipping the raster data to each country’s geometry, filtering the data based on the GRDI quartiles, and calculating the mean PM2.5 levels for each quartile. The results are then visualized using customized plots to highlight the relationship between air quality and GRDI metrics across the selected countries.

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Gain a general understanding of what is particulate matter (PM) in the air and how it impacts human health.
  • Learn about global socioeconomic dimensions of deprivation and how they are spatially represented.
  • Find statistical thresholds in socioeconomic data.
  • Perform zonal statistics to summarize spatial data
  • Resample spatial data to harmoniza and compare socioeconomic data against environmental data.
  • Display data on a maps to get a general understanding of the spatial distribution of data.
  • Summarize spatial data into table plots to compare how air quality differs in different socioeconomic conditions of international administrative areas.


Data Collection and Integration

The Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v4.03 (1998 – 2019) can can be downloaded from the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center ([SEDAC]( (Center For International Earth Science Information Network-CIESIN-Columbia University 2022a).

The Global Gridded Relative Deprivation Index (GRDI), v1 (2010 – 2020) dataset can be downloaded from SEDAC as well (Center For International Earth Science Information Network-CIESIN-Columbia University 2022b).

Gather comprehensive datasets from reliable sources such as the US EPA’s EJSCREEN tool and other public health databases like John Hopkins and County Health Rankings. Integrate relevant environmental data (e.g., air pollutant concentrations, pollution source proximity) with health outcomes data (e.g., COVID-19 prevalence, NSCLC incidence). Ensure data compatibility and quality through data cleaning and validation procedures.

Preparing Environment and Variables

Importing python packages required:

import xarray as xr
import rioxarray
import rasterstats
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import pygadm

import plotly.graph_objects as go 

Load the GRDIv1 and PM2.5 data from local sources:

# Load rasters
grdi_path = r"Z:\Sedac\GRDI\data\povmap-grdi-v1-geotiff\final data\povmap-grdi-v1.tif"
pm25_path = r"F:\TOPSSCHOOL\git\TOPSTSCHOOL-air-quality\data\sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod-v4-gl-03-2019-geotiff\sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod-v4-gl-03-2019.tif"

Using the package rasterio to load the data into memory. This allows us to read the data and use it for processing.

# Open the input and reference rasters
grdi_raster = rioxarray.open_rasterio(grdi_path, mask_and_scale=True)
pm25_raster = rioxarray.open_rasterio(pm25_path, mask_and_scale=True)

Matching Data Points using Bilinear Resample

The GRDI raster and PM2.5 rasters are incompatible in resolution. One method of harmonizing data is by using the Resampling bethod with a bilinear method. In this case, we reduce, or coarsen, the resolution of the GRDI raster to match the PM2.5 raster.

# Resample the input raster to match the reference raster
grdi_raster =,resampling=Resampling.bilinear)

Previewing Spatial Data in a Plot

# Plotting the rasters
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 20))

# Plot the original GRDI raster in the first subplot
im1 = ax1.imshow(grdi_raster.values[0], cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest')
ax1.set_title('Original GRDI Raster')
fig.colorbar(im1, ax=ax1, orientation='horizontal', label='GRDI Values')

# Plot the PM2.5 raster in the second subplot
im2 = ax2.imshow(pm25_raster.values[0], cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest')
ax2.set_title('PM2.5 Raster')
fig.colorbar(im2, ax=ax2, orientation='horizontal', label='PM2.5 Values')

# Show the plots

Working with administrative Data

pygadm is a package that has international administrative units from levels 0 to 2. We can search the available countries by listing the Names.

country_table = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pygadm.Names())

Some available areas with a unique GID_0 code share Names; therefore we drop the rows that contain digits.

country_table = country_table[~country_table['GID_0'].str.contains('\d', na=False)]

Subset Data From a Table

Doing Zonal statistics for more than 200 countries may take a while, therefore, we can subset the data randomly with the .sample() method.

country_sample = country_table.sample(n=15)
251 Samoa WSM
76 Fiji FJI
72 Spain ESP
200 Senegal SEN
183 Philippines PHL
231 Trinidad and Tobago TTO
7 United Arab Emirates ARE
226 Tajikistan TJK
166 New Caledonia NCL
260 Zambia ZMB
112 British Indian Ocean Territory IOT
77 Falkland Islands FLK
259 South Africa ZAF
139 Lithuania LTU
212 South Sudan SSD

Zonal Statistics for Each Administrative Area

rasterstats has a funcion zonal_stats() which allows you to use vectors to summarize raster data. We summarize GRDIv1 data to calculate the following statistics: count, minimum, mean, max, median, standard deviation, range, and percentiles 20, 40, 60, and 80.

stats_results = gpd.GeoDataFrame()

for index, row in country_sample.iloc[:].iterrows():
    country = row['NAME_0']
    country_GID = row['GID_0']
        country_poly =  pygadm.Items(admin=country_GID, content_level=0)
        print(country, " skipped.")

    # Create a mask for the polygons
    grdi_country_zs= rasterstats.zonal_stats(country_poly, grdi_raster.values[0],, stats="count min mean max median std median range percentile_20 percentile_40 percentile_60 percentile_80")
    # # pm25_country_zs= rasterstats.zonal_stats(country_poly, pm25_arr, affine=pm25_transform, stats="count min mean max median std median range percentile_20 percentile_40 percentile_60 percentile_80", nodata=pm25_raster.nodata)
    # # Extract statistics into a dictionary
    country_stats = {
        'Country_Name': country,
        'Country_GID' : country_GID,
        'GRDI_Count': grdi_country_zs[0]['count'],
        'GRDI_Min': grdi_country_zs[0]['min'],
        'GRDI_Mean': grdi_country_zs[0]['mean'],
        'GRDI_Max': grdi_country_zs[0]['max'],
        'GRDI_Median': grdi_country_zs[0]['median'],
        'GRDI_Std': grdi_country_zs[0]['std'],
        'GRDI_Range': grdi_country_zs[0]['range'],
        'GRDI_P20': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_20'],
        'GRDI_P40': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_40'],
        'GRDI_P60': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_60'],
        'GRDI_P80': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_80'],
        #     # 'PM25_Count': pm25_country_zs[0]['count'],
        #     # 'PM25_Min': pm25_country_zs[0]['min'],
        # 'PM25_Mean': pm25_country_zs[0]['mean'],
        #     # 'PM25_Max': pm25_country_zs[0]['max'],
        #     # 'PM25_Median': pm25_country_zs[0]['median'],
        #     # 'PM25_Std': pm25_country_zs[0]['std'],
        #     # 'PM25_Range': pm25_country_zs[0]['range'],
        #     # 'PM25_P20': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_20'],
        #     # 'PM25_P40': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_40'],
        #     # 'PM25_P60': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_60'],
        #     # 'PM25_P80': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_80'],
        'geometry' : country_poly['geometry'].iloc[0]
    country_stats_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame([country_stats], geometry='geometry')
    # stats_results.append(country_stats_gdf)
    stats_results = pd.concat([stats_results, country_stats_gdf], ignore_index=True)

Let’s use the .head() method from Pandas to check the top of our table

Country_Name Country_GID GRDI_Count GRDI_Min GRDI_Mean GRDI_Max GRDI_Median GRDI_Std GRDI_Range GRDI_P20 GRDI_P40 GRDI_P60 GRDI_P80 geometry
0 Samoa WSM 893 16.779119 72.627572 82.130798 75.354385 9.305466 65.351679 69.140343 73.877106 76.735214 79.172623 MULTIPOLYGON (((-171.4079 -14.0746, -171.4055 ...
1 Fiji FJI 4899 11.950370 72.009945 86.728622 74.518845 9.951100 74.778253 69.718742 73.071259 75.752144 77.892212 MULTIPOLYGON (((178.1063 -19.1592, 178.1064 -1...
2 Spain ESP 302383 2.526078 53.366115 72.849083 58.745010 12.811808 70.323005 47.256508 56.190113 60.127953 62.182636 MULTIPOLYGON (((-17.9632 27.6904, -17.9657 27....
3 Senegal SEN 32706 26.157717 85.125428 99.563820 88.179062 9.393603 73.406103 83.247147 86.728622 88.949966 89.592674 MULTIPOLYGON (((-15.9534 12.4426, -16.0378 12....
4 Philippines PHL 134581 6.626353 72.399834 91.909012 75.517365 11.636341 85.282659 68.165047 73.975517 76.879448 79.703705 MULTIPOLYGON (((119.4706 4.5911, 119.4689 4.58...

Defining a Funtion

We can create a custom function that can allow us to use the zonal statistics process multiple times. A custom function can be created using the def FUNCTION_NAME(PARAMETER1, PARAMETER2): fuction to define what the fucntion will do.

def calculate_country_stats(country_sample, grdi_raster, pm25_raster=None):
    Calculate statistics for each country in the sample.

    - country_sample: A pandas DataFrame containing country information with 'NAME_0' and 'GID_0' columns, in this case the country_table.
    - grdi_raster: A raster object with which to perform the zonal statistics.
    - pm25_raster: (Optional) A raster object for PM2.5 data. If provided, statistics will also be calculated for this raster.

    - stats_results: A GeoDataFrame containing the statistics for each country.
    stats_results = gpd.GeoDataFrame()

    for index, row in country_sample.iloc[:].iterrows():
        country = row['NAME_0']
        country_GID = row['GID_0']
            country_poly = pygadm.Items(admin=country_GID, content_level=0)
        except Exception as e:
            print(country, "skipped due to error:", e)

        # Create a mask for the polygons and perform zonal statistics on GRDI raster
        grdi_country_zs = rasterstats.zonal_stats(
            country_poly, grdi_raster.values[0], 
            stats="count min mean max median std range percentile_20 percentile_40 percentile_60 percentile_80"

        # Uncomment and update the following lines if you want to include PM2.5 statistics
        # if pm25_raster is not None:
        #     pm25_country_zs = rasterstats.zonal_stats(
        #         country_poly, pm25_raster.values[0], 
        #         stats="count min mean max median std range percentile_20 percentile_40 percentile_60 percentile_80", 
        #         nodata=pm25_raster.nodata
        #     )

        # Extract statistics into a dictionary
        country_stats = {
            'Country_Name': country,
            'Country_GID' : country_GID,
            'GRDI_Count': grdi_country_zs[0]['count'],
            'GRDI_Min': grdi_country_zs[0]['min'],
            'GRDI_Mean': grdi_country_zs[0]['mean'],
            'GRDI_Max': grdi_country_zs[0]['max'],
            'GRDI_Median': grdi_country_zs[0]['median'],
            'GRDI_Std': grdi_country_zs[0]['std'],
            'GRDI_Range': grdi_country_zs[0]['range'],
            'GRDI_P20': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_20'],
            'GRDI_P40': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_40'],
            'GRDI_P60': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_60'],
            'GRDI_P80': grdi_country_zs[0]['percentile_80'],
            'geometry' : country_poly['geometry'].iloc[0]

        # If PM2.5 statistics are calculated, add them to the dictionary
        # if pm25_raster is not None:
        #     country_stats.update({
        #         'PM25_Count': pm25_country_zs[0]['count'],
        #         'PM25_Min': pm25_country_zs[0]['min'],
        #         'PM25_Mean': pm25_country_zs[0]['mean'],
        #         'PM25_Max': pm25_country_zs[0]['max'],
        #         'PM25_Median': pm25_country_zs[0]['median'],
        #         'PM25_Std': pm25_country_zs[0]['std'],
        #         'PM25_Range': pm25_country_zs[0]['range'],
        #         'PM25_P20': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_20'],
        #         'PM25_P40': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_40'],
        #         'PM25_P60': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_60'],
        #         'PM25_P80': pm25_country_zs[0]['percentile_80'],
        #     })

        country_stats_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame([country_stats], geometry='geometry')
        stats_results = pd.concat([stats_results, country_stats_gdf], ignore_index=True)

    return stats_results

From the table above, we can choose an attribute, or column, to display it in a map plot. In this case, I’m choosing the GRDI Max

column_chosen = 'GRDI_Max' #GRDI_Max, GRDI_Min, GRDI_Median
# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 10))
stats_results.plot(column=column_chosen, ax=ax, legend=True,
    legend_kwds={'label': f"{column_chosen} per country.",
                      'orientation': "horizontal"})
ax.set_title('Choropleth Map Showing GRDI Mean per country')
ax.set_axis_off()  # Turn off the axis numbers and ticks

Selecting Data by Column

Start my creating a list of countries that you are interested in to Subset data from the DataFrame that match the values in the NAME_0 column. The .isin() mehthod checks each element in the DataFrame’s column for the item present in the list and returns matching rows.

# selected_countries = ["Algeria", "Somalia", "Colombia", "Timor Leste", "Finland", "Nicaragua", "United Kingdom", "Mali"]
# selected_countries = ["Anguilla", "Armenia", "Angola", "Argentina", "Albania", "United Arab Emirates", "American Samoa", "Australia" ]
selected_countries = ["Algeria", "Somalia", "Colombia", "Timor Leste", "Finland", "Nicaragua", "United Kingdom", "Mali", "Armenia", "Argentina",  "Albania", "United Arab Emirates", "Indonesia", "Qatar"]

#use the list above to subset the country_table DataFrame by the column NAME_0 
selected_countries = country_table[country_table['NAME_0'].isin(selected_countries)]

Using a Defined Custom Function

Recalling the defined fucntion calculate_country_stats, we can use our selected_countries list, and the GRDI and PM2.5 rasters, to create a new table of zonal statistics.

stats_results = calculate_country_stats(selected_countries, grdi_raster)

Show the head of the table again:

Country_Name Country_GID GRDI_Count GRDI_Min GRDI_Mean GRDI_Max GRDI_Median GRDI_Std GRDI_Range GRDI_P20 GRDI_P40 GRDI_P60 GRDI_P80 geometry
0 Albania ALB 19076 8.272310 61.513866 75.395561 66.220139 11.644754 67.123251 55.861691 64.445587 67.104332 68.589424 MULTIPOLYGON (((20.0541 39.6917, 20.0389 39.69...
1 United Arab Emirates ARE 18229 5.732072 42.347647 67.470955 45.034630 17.949307 61.738883 24.688160 38.623692 50.710217 61.909931 MULTIPOLYGON (((54.1541 22.7548, 53.3313 22.85...
2 Argentina ARG 474297 7.572341 66.341158 81.701645 68.789696 10.416561 74.129304 66.774643 68.278297 69.335510 71.098465 MULTIPOLYGON (((-66.5458 -55.061, -66.5486 -55...
3 Armenia ARM 9108 6.944193 59.871617 73.707901 64.272858 12.315193 66.763708 52.692970 61.288189 66.743027 69.004845 MULTIPOLYGON (((45.8319 39.8311, 45.8448 39.82...
4 Colombia COL 223557 11.956444 71.523674 84.922409 73.350586 8.762370 72.965965 69.966934 72.190056 74.405403 76.502792 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.491 4.1451, -77.4985 4.140...

Plot the map again choosing a column to plot:

column_chosen = 'GRDI_Max' #GRDI_Max, GRDI_Min, GRDI_Median
stats_results.plot(column=column_chosen, legend=True) 

Creating a Table with Results

We can create a list of tuples that we can use to refer to the GRDI statistical values, and the name, color, and symbol we want to assign. In this case, we are using the GRDI zonal statistics of each country we selected that include the Mean, Minimum, Maximum, and interquartiles.

# List of GRDI values and their corresponding properties
#column, value name, color, symbol
grdi_data = [
    ('GRDI_Mean', 'Mean', 'orange', 'diamond'),
    ('GRDI_Min', 'Min', 'gray', '152'),
    ('GRDI_Max', 'Max', 'gray', '151'),
    ('GRDI_P20', 'Q20', 'blue', '142'),
    ('GRDI_P40', 'Q40', 'purple', '142'),
    ('GRDI_P60', 'Q60', 'green', '142'),
    ('GRDI_P80', 'Q80', 'red', '142')

We can create a figure to display the data based on the names colors and symbols we selected.

# Create a figure
fig = go.Figure()

# Add traces to the figure based on the data
for col, name, color, symbol in grdi_data:
        marker=dict(color=color, size=10, symbol=symbol)

# Customize layout
    title='GRDI Statistics by Country',
    xaxis_title='GRDI Values',
    yaxis_title='Country Name',
    xaxis=dict(tickvals=[0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100])

# Show plot

Summarizing PM2.5 Values by Socioeconomic Deprivation

Considering the GRDI quartile values as a level of socieoeconomic deprivation within each country, we can use the stats_results GeoDataFrame, the GRDI raster, and the PM2.5 raster to calculate the Mean PM.25 value within each of those areas in each country. This can describe how the air quality for different socioeconomic strata compare within the country, as well as against other countries.

The results will be added to the stats_results with the corresponting columns.

# iterate through the stats_results table rows
for index, row in stats_results.iloc[:].iterrows():
    #isolate each country's respective row
    row_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame([row], geometry='geometry').reset_index(drop=True)
        #use rioxarray to clip the GRDI and PM2.5 rasters by the geometry of the respective country.
        grdi_country =,
        pm25_country =,
        print('Error in clip')

    #Applying squeeze() to this array removes the singleton dimension, reducing it to a 2D array with dimensions (rows, columns)
    grdi_country= grdi_country.squeeze()
    pm25_country= pm25_country.squeeze()

    # Subset the GRDI raster where values fall between each GRDI quintiles
    grdi_countryQ1 = grdi_country.where((grdi_country >= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_Min']) & (grdi_country <= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P20']))
    grdi_countryQ2 = grdi_country.where((grdi_country >= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P20']) & (grdi_country <= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P40']))
    grdi_countryQ3 = grdi_country.where((grdi_country >= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P40']) & (grdi_country <= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P60']))
    grdi_countryQ4 = grdi_country.where((grdi_country >= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P60']) & (grdi_country <= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P80']))
    grdi_countryQ5 = grdi_country.where((grdi_country >= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_P80']) & (grdi_country <= row_df.loc[0, 'GRDI_Max']))

    # Mask the PM2.5 raster using the above GRDI quartile rasters, keeping only the cells that intersect
    pm25_countryQ1 = pm25_country.where(grdi_countryQ1.notnull())
    pm25_countryQ2 = pm25_country.where(grdi_countryQ2.notnull())
    pm25_countryQ3 = pm25_country.where(grdi_countryQ3.notnull())
    pm25_countryQ4 = pm25_country.where(grdi_countryQ4.notnull())
    pm25_countryQ5 = pm25_country.where(grdi_countryQ5.notnull())

    #Find the mean value of of the intersected PM2.5 rasters in each quartile
    pm25_countryQ1v = pm25_countryQ1.mean().item()
    pm25_countryQ2v = pm25_countryQ2.mean().item()
    pm25_countryQ3v = pm25_countryQ3.mean().item()
    pm25_countryQ4v = pm25_countryQ4.mean().item()
    pm25_countryQ5v = pm25_countryQ5.mean().item()

    #add the resuts to the stats_results table in the respective column[index, 'PM25_Q1'] = pm25_countryQ1v[index, 'PM25_Q2'] = pm25_countryQ2v[index, 'PM25_Q3'] = pm25_countryQ3v[index, 'PM25_Q4'] = pm25_countryQ4v[index, 'PM25_Q5'] = pm25_countryQ5v
Country_Name Country_GID GRDI_Count GRDI_Min GRDI_Mean GRDI_Max GRDI_Median GRDI_Std GRDI_Range GRDI_P20 GRDI_P40 GRDI_P60 GRDI_P80 geometry PM25_Q1 PM25_Q2 PM25_Q3 PM25_Q4 PM25_Q5
0 Albania ALB 19076 8.272310 61.513866 75.395561 66.220139 11.644754 67.123251 55.861691 64.445587 67.104332 68.589424 MULTIPOLYGON (((20.0541 39.6917, 20.0389 39.69... 15.438293 15.031855 14.699892 14.612475 15.709009
1 United Arab Emirates ARE 18229 5.732072 42.347647 67.470955 45.034630 17.949307 61.738883 24.688160 38.623692 50.710217 61.909931 MULTIPOLYGON (((54.1541 22.7548, 53.3313 22.85... 47.710175 47.893559 47.822292 48.220722 49.729328
2 Argentina ARG 474297 7.572341 66.341158 81.701645 68.789696 10.416561 74.129304 66.774643 68.278297 69.335510 71.098465 MULTIPOLYGON (((-66.5458 -55.061, -66.5486 -55... 7.519970 5.924110 6.083218 7.562082 8.672854
3 Armenia ARM 9108 6.944193 59.871617 73.707901 64.272858 12.315193 66.763708 52.692970 61.288189 66.743027 69.004845 MULTIPOLYGON (((45.8319 39.8311, 45.8448 39.82... 19.292490 16.728804 16.334721 16.337336 15.342737
4 Colombia COL 223557 11.956444 71.523674 84.922409 73.350586 8.762370 72.965965 69.966934 72.190056 74.405403 76.502792 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.491 4.1451, -77.4985 4.140... 27.425064 29.047859 24.132767 22.309097 20.367249

Plot Results of Mean PM2.5 in Socieceonomic Deprivation Quartiles per country

Similarly, we create a list of tuples of how we want to display the data, and create a figure based on the tuples. This plot would show each country in the y axis and the Log of Mean PM2.5 values in each country’s GRDI quarties.

# List of GRDI values and their corresponding properties
#column, value name, color, symbol
plot_data =[
    ('PM25_Q1', 'Q1', '#440154', '6'),  # Light Blue
    ('PM25_Q2', 'Q2', '#31688E', '5'),  # Light Green
    ('PM25_Q3', 'Q3', '#35B779', '7'),  # Yellow
    ('PM25_Q4', 'Q4', '#FDE725', '8'),  # Orange
    ('PM25_Q5', 'Q5', '#FF0000', '1')   # Red

# Create a figure
fig = go.Figure()

# Add traces to the figure.
for col, name, color, symbol in plot_data:
    xlog  = np.log(stats_results[col])
        mode='markers+text',  # Add 'text' to mode
        text=[f'<b>{name}</b>' for _ in stats_results[col]],  # Repeat name for each point
        textfont=dict(color=color, size=12),
        textposition='top center',  # Position the text above the symbol
fig.update_traces(textposition='top center')

    # Customize layout
    title='Mean PM2.5 in each GRDI Quartile by Country',
    xaxis_title='Log of PM2.5 Mean Values',
    yaxis_title='Country Name',
    #xaxis=dict(tickvals=[0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100])

# Show plot

Use the plotly controls to take a closer look at the results.

With this shapely plot, We can examine differences between countires and PM2.5 values. The plot displays the coutnries on the Y axis and log values of the average PM2.5 value on the X axis. Each country displays PM2.5 values averaged within the quartile areas based on GRDI values of each country. A higher quartile (Q) implies a higher degree of deprivation, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest.

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Center For International Earth Science Information Network-CIESIN-Columbia University. 2022a. “Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), 1998-2019, V4.GL.03.” Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data; Applications Center (SEDAC).
———. 2022b. “Global Gridded Relative Deprivation Index (GRDI), Version 1.” Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data; Applications Center (SEDAC).